The Spy - Chapter 12 - Lucifiel (2024)

Chapter Text

"Hey builder! Didn't peg you for the narcissist type." Justice had just entered the civil corps building and looked up at the builder loitering by the cell block.

The young man leaned over the railing and gave him a grin.

"Well, maybe I was considering becoming one. Afterall, with my posterior and legs... I've been told I'm plenty good looking."

"You're not going to let that one go, ha?" Justice shook his head and made his way up.

"I take bribes." The builder shrugged and Justice joined him. "One meal at the Blue Moon and you'll never hear about it again."

His eyes crinkled when he laughed, Justice noticed. It was the first time in a while that the builder had been so relaxed. Musa's crew came to Sandrock a few months back, along with Qi's friend, Mint and since then, the builder had worked almost non-stop on the tunnel. Between clearing and reinforcing the bridge to the Bend, developing explosives and reworking the robot to attach a drill to it, the young man barely had any time for anything else.
That Musa was an odd fellow. Justice had heard from Mi-an that Musa had declared he wanted to work almost exclusively with Max and that she surprisingly didn't mind. Said that she enjoyed working on more personal commissions. Truth be told, seeing Max return home at ungodly hours only to depart at dawn again, he couldn't say the man had gotten the lucky ticket.

They were well into drilling for the tunnel when Bronco returned and it took all but restraining the sleep deprived and heavily caffeinated builder to keep him from throttling the bounty hunter. For the sake of everyone's happiness, Justice had decided to take turns with Unsuur in being present whenever the two met.
Sure enough, the bounty hunter declared he had a mole in Logan's camp and for the first time in more than a year a true posse was formed. Even Pen joined the mission but bailed the moment they realised the mole in question had been an actual mole.

A mole that, together with a cohort of other moles served a rat princess on the run from her evil step-mother and her army of murderous rats. The very same they met in the Valley of Whispers. Ernest wouldn't have come up with such a story if he wanted to.
After the events, the builder declared Captain to be his favourite colleague in the corps. Admittedly, Captain was everybody's favourite anyway.

"Really now, what's so interesting about this robot?" The sheriff asked as the builder's gaze fell on the mirror again.

"It's the first functioning AI I've seen in my life, however short lived the encounter was." The builder squatted in front of it. "I just think it would be interesting to power it on. See what's going on in that ... mind?... I guess."

"Pfff... Makes sense you're director Qi's pet. You two are two peas in a pod." Justice chuckled. "I'm not sure it's a good idea to turn this thing on... I mean... It did try to kill us all."

"I read that AI work on directives. Supposedly they have locks that prevent them to act against them. I think it was ordered by the queen to attack. If we were to override the directives we might get it to do something useful."

"I get it, builder but even if we did, what could it do? Walk around town telling people they're pretty or something?" Justice raised an eyebrow.

"Well, a little positivity wouldn't hurt. When was the last time someone told YOU you were pretty, huh, Justice?" The young man grinned and the sheriff gave him a small kick.

"I don't need no robot stating the obvious!!"

A comfortable silence fell between the two, broken once again by Justice.

"Say... About Ged's suggestion... What do you think about it?" He asked.

The builder just hummed.

"The roasted rutabagas?" He asked eventually.

"Think it's ridiculous?" The sheriff pressed. "It's the best lead we had in a while."

"Honestly, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the world... Crazier things have happened.." the young man continued.

"But... If we do manage to capture him. What then, Justice?" The builder rested his chin on his palm as he looked up at the sheriff. For a moment, Justice thought he saw a shadow cross the builder's eyes.

"Well, I reckon we finally manage to find out what was going on through that guy's head. Why the banditry?" Justice leaned back on the rail.

"Elsie seemed to think he was innocent, you know?." The builder quipped and the sheriff wondered where he was going with this.

"Elsie also ran off to light knows where and I know you had something to do with that! Can't say that makes her the most reliable person." Justice huffed.

"He's not innocent. Not really. " He said after a pause. "But... I've known that guy since he was born. He was a bit of a troublemaker, always following me and Owen around, but... he was also too much like his pa. Stubborn like mules and strong sense of justice, the two of them. True cornerstones of the town. For him to throw away everything him and his pa stood for... Just don't smell right..." The man frowned, thinking of his old friend.

"Mmm..." The builder hummed again and Justice realised the builder was looking at him in the mirror.

"Well, I guess I should go make those roasted rutabagas then..." Max got up and slapped his knees.


"Holy f*cks on a stick..." Luka muttered as he got up and looked around the tunnel. Logan's goat was nowhere to be seen. His bare arms and face stung where the branches dampening his fall left scratches in their wake but at least the cool cave provided some relief. The early summer sun had already begun scorching.

He made his way through the tunnel, keeping to the left wall. It was dimly lit but he could make out vague shapes. His toolbag must have been lost when he fell over the cliff but his waist bag, gun and daggers were thankfully still on him.

A gear turning sounded nearby and a frantic ticking approached him. Reflexively, he kicked at it and sent the thing flying. The ticking intensified and a small explosion detonated ahead. He frowned.
The next time he heard the ticking approach he willingly flung himself forward, snatching the round contraption. A key turned into a slot at its top. He grabbed the key, pulled it out and threw the automaton. It didn't explode. He picked it up and ran his hands over it. The surface was smooth and except for the key slot at the top there didn't seem to be any other ingress point. Luka pocketed the key and tied the automaton to his belt.

The tunnel was lined with the things but other than the smoke caused by their explosions they did not pose much of a threat. As long as you detonated them at the proper timing and distance, it was fairly safe. The tunnel became brighter and soon, Luka found himself in front of a cavernous opening. It appeared as though the cliff was hollow, hiding some kind of technology center. Close to the tunnel a large pillar with rotating pods droned an odd music. Luka peered down and noticed small sparks on some of the pods. The wiring must have been faulty. Further ahead, colourful blocks formed what seemed to be a maze. The blocks were huge, human sized by the looks of things. The young man wondered if you were supposed to go around them or if there was any way to reach higher ground. Well, he'd just have to see once he got there.

His attention shifted back to the swivelling pods. He took his time memorising the rotation rhythm and clocked the faulty ones. Eventually, he jumped. Carefully he made his way from one pod to the other until he was at the edge of the block maze. Looking back, he wondered if this could have been some kind of entertainment facility. He hadn't seen such colourful patterns in the rest of the ruins around Sandrock. His thoughts were interrupted by another ticking. He looked around but there was no automaton in sight. Instead, a barrel lay buried in the sand. Luka jumped away just before it exploded. Huh... So the barrels were boobie trapped as well. His foot slid and kicked at a tumbleweed. It began ticking as well.
He cursed as he jumped to the side one more time.

Just when he thought he was safe, a swarm of automatons rushed him, and he found himself running and dodging the bouncing tumbleweeds as automatons blew up around him. He made a dash for a block, stepping on some kind of platform in his rush. The ceiling came closer as he found himself flung high in the air, his arms flailing as he descended. He landed hard on top of the block and groaned. Below him, a cacophony of explosions filled the cave.
He turned on his back and exhaled annoyed. At least he now knew how to get to the higher platforms.

Some time after, the cavern narrowed into a tunnel one more time and he exited into an opening that seemed inhabited. The place was lined with contraptions that reminded Luka of catapults. To the side, a crevice nestled what seemed to be some kind of laboratory.
And in the center, a dark haired young man wearing a bandana looked up at him. Haru. For the first time in a long time, Luka's heart threatened to jump out of his chest. Finally, could he have finally found a way forward?

"So you really did show up..." The young man said and proceeded to hurl a bomb at Luka.

Hard way it is, then.

Luka jumped out of the way and circled Haru. An automaton made his way towards him and he picked it up, holding the key in place. Haru readied himself for another throw as another automaton made his way towards the builder. Luka kicked at it, sending it flying towards Haru. In quick succession, he removed his hand from the key of the one he was holding and threw it towards the direction Haru was headed in. It exploded close and the bandit was thrown to the side. Luka darted towards him and pinned him to the floor.

"Look, I just want to talk." Luka said as he pressed Haru's wrist until a bomb dropped from his hand. A hissing sound came between them and a cloud of smoke engulfed them. The acrid smell burned at his lungs and he rolled away, coughing and cursing. Haru scrambled away, running towards another tunnel.

Luka covered his mouth and nose with his arm and followed him. It led to another clearing, this one much bigger. To the left, a large natural window bathed the cave in crisp, golden light. To the right, beds and living arrangements. And in the centre, sprawled on a makeshift throne, Logan followed him with his eyes as he ran his fingers over the blade of a dagger. His movements were oddly languorous as he raised himself from the armchair and took a few steps towards the builder.

A jolt, something akin to a shiver bloomed in Luka's stomach and travelled up, settling as a knot in his throat. He swallowed, as icy blue eyes pinned him in place. He had seen him up close before during Matilda's capture but he hadn't SEEN him.

"Builder... we finally come face to face..."

The bandit's voice wrapped him like a blanket, like coarse hands caressing his skin. The knot settled in his stomach and a shiver went up his spine, raising the hair at the back of the head.

Luka exhaled, willing himself to calm down. It was the first time his body had reacted like that to anyone. Attraction, sure, he felt before, but this... this was... dangerous. Luckly, his face must have been blank the whole time as Logan continued his taunt.

"Heard you're also a Corps member now, so you've come for my head. Well, I ain't gonna make it easy for ya."

To the side, Haru looked at them concerned.

"Logan, this Builder's a tough one, I think-"

"It's okay. Stay outta this one, Haru..."


"Draw!" The bandit's attention was on Luka again, drawing his gun and making Luka dive down into the clearing and roll to the side.

Logan holstered his gun with a flourish and readjusted the grip on his dagger as they closed the distance.

His knife work was exquisite, fast, too fast for someone with such a stature. Still Luka kept up, pairing, sliding just under his grips, blades clashing and slashing at air where their bodies had been a split second ago.
His lungs, however, struggled to keep up with the effort. They still burned whenever he took a deeper breath as he returned to a stance. He paried a dagger swipe and grabbed the bandit's arm, sending a kick to his side. Logan's mask slid just briefly off, enough to distract Luka. The bandit grabbed his arm and hoisted him over his shoulder and slammed him into the ground. Luka gasped and Logan was on him, pinning him down under his weight.
The builder gritted his teeth and thrust his head forward, headbutting Logan who staggered just enough for the young man to push him aside and scramble to his feet. They drew back and began circling each other once more, eyes interlocked.

"Alright, that's enough, you two!" A woman's voice came from the sides where Haru waited.
Grace came forward and folded her arms, looking at them pointedly.

Luka's eyes followed her movements but said nothing. Of course it was her. The food carrier, serving Pen that ghastly food before the photoshoot, her commissions - it all added up.

"Yeah... I've seen enough. We picked the right person." Logan said and straightened himself, putting his daggers away.

Luka's eyes shifted from one to the other.

"Relax, builder, we're the good guys." Grace drew even nearer. "And I think you already know this."

Luka stood up from his stance and sheathed his dagger. "I have some theories, true..." He said eventually. Now was not the time to reveal all his cards.

"Come, let's sit and we'll tell you all about it." She patted his shoulder and made her way towards a table where Haru was already seated.


Luka leaned back on the chair and mulled over Grace and Logan's words. The news that Grace was an alliance agent was not that surprising but what was concerning was the fact that she claimed the alliance did not know what Duvos was doing in Sandrock, nor did she appear to know about him. He had been sending information on the Duvos expedition, as well as his future situation well before his arrival into town.
Moreover, they seemed convinced Howlett had died in the explosion, his body burned to ashes.

Was she withholding information or, worse, was there something going on in the alliance? Power struggle or, worst case, corruption and sabotage?
Her earnestness when she warned him about the danger and asked him to join them seemed sincere but then again, she was a spy and a very good liar.

Luka found he did not like the uncertainty but he figured it would be better to keep an eye out here as well. Best case, it was all a misunderstanding. Worst case... Either way he had a better chance of keeping people safe.

Huh... The shift in his goals had been so gradual, it took him entirely by surprise. He had started off promising to avenge Howlett and escape Duvos. Since when did it shift towards the townsfolk?

"Worried bout the danger?" Logan sat next to him and slid a glass of water towards him. His voice startled Luka and he found himself staring at the bandit.

"Don't worry, we'll do our best to keep ya safe but I reckon you do quite well by yerself." He nudged Luka with his shoulder.

The builder smiled and huffed.

"Nah, don't worry. Just thinking about this whole thing." He took a sip of water and turned his attention towards Logan. He could tell the man was smiling by the crinkle in his eyes. Light, those eyes would be the death of him. They were the same colour as Howlett's but somehow struck differently and Luka checked another few names on the list of people he wanted to keep safe. One in particular.


He spent the next few hours until the effect of the gas wore off talking to Haru about the various devices and weapons he had created. The two hit it off immediately, Luka making notes of various discoveries the pretend bandit had made in his various research attempts, while, on his side, the builder offered some ideas to improve some of the devices.
The automaton he'd collected lay taken apart on one of the worktables, the two of them discussing how to best convert the key mechanism into a timed one.

Grace had to bring them back to the present as she pointed out that it was getting dark outside and it would be best if the builder returned to town.

"By the way. It's almost certain Pen will be lurking around this area in the next period so you might want to be careful." Luka mentioned as he headed towards what used to be Andy's room.

"Don't worry about that. This place has plenty of other exits and we fully expected this to happen." Haru nodded as they parted.


Luka sat slouched on a chair in Matilda's house. The commissioned pipes lay piled on the floor next to the door. Pen was leaning on the opposite wall.

The evening he returned, the townsfolk were practically holding a wake in his honour. Justice had been particularly relieved he had come out unscathed, patting his chest and arms as though he had seen a ghost. As far as the people were concerned, the builder had gotten incredibly lucky. He had told them his fall had been broken by branches and bushes but he still had the bruises as proof of his tumble to the bottom of the cliff.

"Did you make contact with Logan?" Matilda asked, looking him in the eyes with an inscrutable expression.

"Yes, m'am" Luka nodded after a short pause.

"Aren't you, the lucky one, Skinny?" Pen quipped.

"Well, maybe you should also try following a mole around or throwing yourself off of cliffs." Luka retorted.

"Enough, you two." Matilda cut them off.

"What did you find?" She asked, turning her attention towards Luka.

"They haven't managed to figure out the operation, though obviously they know it's related to the water. They were starting to run out of supplies so they got in contact with me to better help them out with this." The builder explained.

"Any chances of getting the jump on them in their hideout?" She asked.

"Hmm.. Tricky..." The builder mused. "I'm not sure where it is yet. Well, where they are." He corrected himself. "The place I landed was a pick-up point. I was really out of it when they found me. Took me somewhere else. Figured you had a look around the area, no?" He turned towards Pen who just nodded.

"They blindfolded me on the way back. Don't trust me enough yet. Not like the others..." Luka leaned back on the chair.

"Others?" Matilda raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, they have some people around town helping them. I can try to figure out who they are if you want but it might take a while. All I know is that they have been flying under the radar this whole time." The builder shrugged.

"Hmm.." Matilda hummed. "Alright, do so. When you figure them out, let us know. Pen will get them to tell us where Logan is. He can be very ... persuasive."

And with that, he was dismissed.


That night, Luka lay awake to reorganise his thoughts. He had managed to buy them some time with his half truths but his plans may have again been thrown into disarray. When he found out Grace was an alliance agent he had hoped they would be able to join hands. He would help them get additional evidence and help them separate Tiger and Pen from the crew on the ship.

In the meanwhile, if the alliance moved fast enough, they would be able to position ships in time before the no contact protocol was triggered. The Whale crew would have had no other chance but to surrender.

But now, with the new information, he felt like he was back to square one, only with more questions and more people he needed to protect. His eyebrows raised. 'Needed'? He didn't NEED to do anything. If anything he chose to do it. Still didn't really answer the question "why?"

He turned to the side and punched the pillow, fluffing it up. Too much information and way too many emotions for one day.

The Spy - Chapter 12 - Lucifiel (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.